Pedro I of Brazil

Pedro I of Brazil
Pedro IV of Portugal
Emperor Dom Pedro I around age 35, c. 1834
Emperor of Brazil
Reign 12 October 1822 – 7 April 1831
Coronation 1 December 1822
Successor Pedro II
King of Portugal and the Algarves
Reign 10 March 1826 – 28 May 1826
Predecessor João VI (John VI)
Successor Maria II
Spouse Maria Leopoldina of Austria
Amélia of Leuchtenberg
Maria II, Queen of Portugal
Miguel, Prince of Beira
João Carlos, Prince of Beira
Januária, Princess of Brazil
Paula, Princess of Brazil
Francisca, Princess of Brazil
Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil
Maria Amélia, Princess of Brazil
Full name
Pedro de Alcântara Francisco António João Carlos Xavier de Paula Miguel Rafael Joaquim José Gonzaga Pascoal Cipriano Serafim
House House of Braganza
Father João VI, King of Portugal
Mother Carlota Joaquina of Spain
Born 12 October 1798(1798-10-12)
Queluz Palace, Lisbon
Died 24 September 1834(1834-09-24) (aged 35)
Queluz Palace, Lisbon
Burial Museu Paulista, São Paulo
Religion Roman Catholicism

Dom Pedro I of Brazil (English: Peter I, 12 October 1798 – 24 September 1834), nicknamed "the Liberator" and "the Soldier-King", was the founder and first ruler of the Empire of Brazil and also King of Portugal as Pedro IV, having reigned for eight years in Brazil and two months in Portugal.


Early years


Pedro was born at 08:00[1] on 12 October 1798 in the Queluz National Palace near Lisbon, Portugal.[2][3][4] He was named after St. Peter of Alcantara,[5] and his full name was Pedro de Alcântara Francisco António João Carlos Xavier de Paula Miguel Rafael Joaquim José Gonzaga Pascoal Cipriano Serafim.[6] He was referred to using the honorific "Dom" (Lord) from birth.[7]

Through his father, Prince Dom João (later King Dom João VI), Pedro was a member of the House of Braganza (Portuguese: Bragança)[8][9] and a grandson of King Dom Pedro III and Queen Dona (Lady) Maria I of Portugal, who were uncle and niece as well as husband and wife.[10][11] His mother, Doña Carlota Joaquina, was the daughter of King Don Carlos IV of Spain.[12] The marriage of Pedro's parents was an unhappy one. Carlota Joaquina was an ambitious woman, who always sought to advance Spain's interests, even to the detriment of Portugal's. Reputedly unfaithful to her husband, she went as far as to plot his overthrow, in league with dissatisfied Portuguese nobles.[13][14]

As the second eldest son, Pedro only became his father's heir and Prince of Beira upon the death of his elder brother António in 1801.[4] Prince Dom João had been acting as regent on behalf of his mother, Queen Maria I, ever since she was declared incurably insane in 1792.[15][16] By 1802, Pedro's parents were estranged, with João living in the Mafra National Palace and Carlota Joaquina in the Palace of Ramalhão.[17][18] Pedro and his siblings lived far away from both their father and mother, residing in the Queluz Palace with their grandmother Maria I.[17][18] The young prince only saw his parents during state occasions that took place at Queluz.[17]


In late November 1807, when Pedro was nine, the royal family escaped from Portugal as an invading French army sent by Napoleon approached Lisbon. Pedro and his family arrived in Rio de Janeiro, capital of the Viceroyalty of Brazil, then Portugal's largest and wealthiest colony, in March 1808.[19][20][21] During the voyage, Pedro was observed either reading Virgil's Aeneid or conversing with the ship's crew and picking up navigational skills.[22][23] In Brazil, after a brief stay in the City Palace (which would later become the Imperial Palace), Pedro settled with his father and his younger brother Miguel in the Paço de São Cristóvão (Palace of Saint Christopher).[24] Although never on intimate terms with his father, Pedro loved him and resented the constant humiliation he suffered at the hands of Carlota Joaquina.[17][25] As an adult, Pedro would openly call his own mother, for whom he held only feelings of contempt, a "bitch".[26]

Early experiences of betrayal, coldness and neglect had a great impact on the formation of Pedro's character.[17] A modicum of stability during his childhood was provided by his aia (governess), Dona Maria Genoveva do Rêgo e Matos, whom he loved as a mother,[27][28] and by his aio (supervisor) Friar António de Arrábida, who became his mentor.[23] Both were in charge of Pedro's upbringing and attempted to furnish him with a suitable education. His instruction encompassed a broad array of subjects that included mathematics, political economy, logic, history and geography.[29] He learned to speak and write not only in Portuguese, but also Latin and French.[30][31][32] He could write, though not correctly speak, English and he understood German.[33] Even later on, as an emperor, Pedro would devote at least two hours of each day to study and reading.[33][34]

Despite the breadth of Pedro's instruction, his education proved lacking. Historian Otávio Tarquínio de Sousa said that Pedro "was without a shadow of doubt intelligent, quick-witted, [and] perspicacious."[35] However, historian Roderick J. Barman relates that he was by nature "too ebullient, too erratic, and too emotional". He remained impulsive and never learned to exercise self-control or to assess the consequences of his decisions and adapt his outlook to changes in situations.[36] His father never allowed anyone to discipline him.[29] While Pedro's schedule dictated two hours of study each day, he sometimes circumvented the routine by dismissing his instructors so that he could engage in activities which he found more interesting.[29] Charles Napier, who fought under Pedro's banner in the 1830s remarked that "his good qualities were his own; his bad owing to want of education; and no man was more sensible of that defect than himself."[37]

First marriage

The prince found fulfillment in activities that required physical skills, rather than in the classroom. At the Santa Cruz farm owned by his father, Pedro trained wild horses, became a fine horseman and an excellent farrier.[38][39] On horseback, he and his brother Miguel exhibited great stamina and boldness. They enjoyed mounted hunts over unfamiliar ground, through forests, and even at night or in inclement weather.[38] He displayed a talent for drawing and handicrafts. He arranged for a personal workshop where he applied himself to wood carving and furniture making.[40]

Pedro had a taste for music which he inherited from his Braganza ancestors, and under the guidance of Marcos Portugal the prince became an able composer. He had a good singing voice, and was proficient with the flute, trombone, harpsicord, bassoon, violin and guitar, and often used the latter to play popular songs and dances such as the lundu, modinha and fado.[41] His restless spirit compelled him to search for adventure,[42] and, sometimes in disguise as a traveler, he frequented taverns in Rio de Janeiro's more disreputable districts.[43] He rarely drank alcohol,[44] but was an incorrigible womaniser.[45] His earliest known lasting affair was with a French dancer called Noémi Thierry. His father, who had ascended the throne as João VI, sent Thierry away to avoid jeopardizing the prince's betrothal to Archduchess Maria Leopoldina, daughter of Emperor Franz I of Austria (formely Franz II, Holy Roman Emperor).[46][47]

On 13 May 1817, Pedro was married by proxy to Maria Leopoldina.[48][49] When she arrived in Rio de Janeiro on 5 November, she immediately fell in love with Pedro, who was far more charming and attractive than she had been led to expect. After "years under a tropical sun, his complexion was still light, his cheeks rosy." The 19-year-old prince was handsome, a little above average in height, had bright dark eyes and brown hair.[38] "His good appearance", said historian Neill Macaulay, "owned much to his bearing, proud and erect even at an awkward age, and his grooming, which was impeccable. Habitually neat and clean, he had taken to the Brazilian custom of bathing often."[38] The Nuptial Mass, with the ratification of the vows previously taken by proxy, occurred the following day on 6 November.[50] Several children resulted from this marriage: Maria (later Queen Dona Maria II of Portugal), Miguel, João, Januária, Paula, Francisca and Pedro (later Emperor Dom Pedro II of Brazil).[51]

Independence of Brazil

Liberal Revolution of 1820

On 17 October 1820, news arrived that the military garrisons in Portugal had mutinied, leading to what later was called the Liberal Revolution of 1820. The military formed a provisional government, supplanting the regency appointed by João VI, and summoned the Cortes—the centuries-old Portuguese Parliament, this time democratically elected with the aim of creating a national Constitution.[52] Pedro was surprised when his father not only asked for his advice, but also decided to send him to Portugal to rule as regent on his behalf and to placate the revolutionaries.[53] The prince was never educated to rule, and had previously had been allowed no participation in state affairs. The role that was his by birthright was instead filled by his elder sister Dona Maria Teresa. Rather than Pedro, it was upon her that João VI had relied for advice, and it was she who had been given membership in the Council of State.[54]

Pedro was regarded with suspicion by his father and by the king's close advisers, all of whom clung to the principles of absolute monarchy. By contrast, the prince was a well-known, staunch supporter of liberalism and of constitutional representative monarchy. He had read the works of Voltaire, Benjamin Constant, Gaetano Filangieri and Edmund Burke.[55][33][32] Even his wife Leopoldina remarked: "My husband, God help us, loves the new ideas."[56][57] João VI feared that once in Portugal, Pedro could be acclaimed king by the revolutionaries and postponed his departure for as long as possible.[53]

On 26 February 1821, Portuguese troops stationed in Rio de Janeiro mutinied. Although safely ensconced a few miles from the city at São Cristóvão, neither João VI nor his government made any move against the mutinous units. Pedro decided to act on his own and rode to meet the rebels. He negotiated with them and convinced his father to accept their demands, which included naming a new cabinet.[58][59][60] On 21 April, the parish electors of Rio de Janeiro met at the Merchants' Exchange to elect their representatives to the Cortes. A small group of radicals seized the meeting and formed a revolutionary government. Again, João VI and his ministers remained passive. The monarch was about to accept the radicals' demands when Pedro took the initiative and sent army troops to reestablish order at the Merchants' Exchange.[61][62][63] Under pressure from the Cortes, João VI and his family left for Portugal on 26 April, leaving behind Pedro and Maria Leopoldina.[61] Two days before he embarked, the King warned his son: "Pedro, if Brazil breaks away, let it rather do so for you, who will respect me, than for one of those adventurers."[61][64][65][66]

Independence or Death

John VI returned to Lisbon in late April 1821 after the defeat of Napoleon, leaving his 22-year-old son Prince Pedro as regent in Rio. Most of the privileges that had been accorded to Brazil during the royal family's absence from Europe were rescinded, sparking the ire of local nationalists.[67] Inspired by the newly-won independence of Spain's former South American colonies, Brazilian patriotism and nationalist sentiment grew, and Pedro sided with the nationalist element. The Brazilian elite were scared of recolonization, the loss of control over the provinces, and potential revolution in the event of the regent's departure.[68] When pressed by the Portuguese Cortes to return to Europe, Pedro refused.[69] His official declaration of permanence on 9 January 1822 is known today in Brazil as the Dia do Fico (I Will Remain Day). For that, he was demoted from regent to a mere representative of the Lisbon court in Brazil. This news reached him on 7 September 1822, when he had just arrived in São Paulo, from a visit to the port of Santos.

The messenger sent by José Bonifácio found the prince in the fields by the Ipiranga Brook. "Never one to eschew the most dramatic action on the immediate impulse", said Barman about the Prince, he "required no more time for decision than the reading of the letters demanded."[70] Pedro mounted his bay mare and, surrounded by entourage and in front of his Guard of Honor, said: "Friends, the Portuguese Cortes wished to enslave and persecute us. As from today our bounds are ended." He unsheathed his sword and declared: "By my blood, by my honor, by my God, I swear to make the independence of Brazil." He raised his sword and shouted: "Brazilians, let our watchword from this day forth be 'Independence or Death!' "[70][71][72]

Constitutional Emperor

The early years of Brazilian independence were difficult. Dom Pedro I assumed the title of emperor instead of king to underline the diversity of the Brazilian provinces. The Napoleonic concept of Empire as a more modern and progressive form of monarchy embodying rejection of the Ancien Régime was also useful in uniting the relatively cosmopolitan society of Rio de Janeiro with the more conservative, patriarchal stance held in the rest of the country.

In early 1823, the first problem confronting Pedro I was drafting a constitution. Brazil was divided between the Brazilian Party led by José Bonifácio, which included the landed aristocracy who favored a constitutional monarchy, and the Portuguese party which included the commercial class, office holders and families of recent Portuguese origin, who wanted an absolutist monarchy. In 1822, during the struggle for independence, Pedro I had considered himself a liberal and had promised Brazil a constitution. He soon appeared to forget his liberal ideals by enacting a Constitution that gave him substantial power. This was seen as necessary to keep control of the interior, particularly in the feudal North, and to prevent the instability and democratic fractioning that characterized other areas of Latin America during this time. The Brazilian party dominated the assembly and refused to assent to so much power in the hands of the emperor. Conflict increased further after Muniz Tavares, a Brazilian assemblyman, attacked the Portuguese party, which he believed resented Brazilian independence. The Sentinella and the Tamoyo, two constitutionalist papers, were written to attack Portuguese born officials. In response to the dispute, Pedro dissolved the assembly on 11 November 1823.[73] He exiled many assemblymen, including José Bonifácio, and jailed a few.[74] Upholding his promise to provide a constitution, he then gathered a committee of ten who then ratified a new, but very similar, constitution on 25 March 1824. This rewritten constitution remained in effect until the end of the Brazilian empire in 1889.[75]

The new constitution established a conservative, centralized monarchy with significant constitutional limitations and power-sharing. It sought to maintain stability and protect property. Powers were divided into executive, legislative, judiciary, and moderating branches. The legislative branch contained the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies, both of whose members were elected to power. Unlike the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate remained in office for life. The Council of State, or the judicial branch, consisted of a council of respected elders whom the emperor appointed for life and who exercised executive powers to issue judgments in important issues, such as war. The emperor held supremacy or moderating power. He could therefore veto all resolutions. He was also empowered to appoint a senator from a group of elected senators, appoint councils of state, pardon criminals, review judicial decisions, and replace elected deputies, presidents of provinces, ministers, bishops and senators. Pedro's failure to put the constitution in effect immediately, however, left many Brazilians suspicious that Pedro's support of a constitution was a ruse.

Consequently, Britain underwrote much of the transition to Brazilian independence. Britain could also facilitate recognition from the international community, and Pedro sought this recognition of Brazil's independence. At first European nations were reluctant because of the hesitance of Portugal. The United States became the first to recognize its independence. By 1825 Britain, realizing the importance of Brazil's market, convinced Portugal to accept Brazil's independence. In exchange, Pedro agreed to repay a loan from Britain for the war between Portugal and Brazil. The loan implied that Pedro would inherit the Portuguese throne. He also signed a treaty with Britain, continuing the 15% import tariff and abolishing the slave trade within three years. The concessions to end slavery especially made Pedro I unpopular with the landed aristocracy, which constituted much of the Brazilian party.

Imperial authority established

During 1824 and 1825, many Brazilians became opposed to the accumulated powers of the emperor and the unpopular provincial presidents he appointed. Secret opposition papers attacked the emperor, his ministers, his servants and his mistresses, in particular Domitila de Castro, Marchioness of Santos. Dissatisfaction climaxed with the revolt of liberal urban forces in Pernambuco. Friar Joaquim do Amor Divino (popularly known as "Frei Caneca") led a revolt in response to the appointment of an unpopular governor, Francisco Paes Barreto. In July 1824, Frei Caneca and Manuel de Carvalho sought to unite several republics in the formation of the Confederation of the Equator. The Confederation failed to take hold and the emperor put many revolutionaries to death, including Frei Caneca.

The absolutist character of events in Rio raised concern in the mostly liberal Northeast. This region soon called for its own constituent assembly. But the movement was not a success because it was divided within itself on the issue of slavery and because Pedro hired British and French ships and mercenaries to repress them.


War and death of wife

Republican sentiment soared, and during the 1825 Cisplatine War with Argentina, the Cisplatine province seceded to become Uruguay. The war lasted for two years, and as a result Brazil suffered great military and financial devastation. While Pedro was visiting the troops in November and December 1826, Empress Leopoldina died after a miscarriage.[76] Rumors spread that she had been poisoned by the Emperor's mistress, Domitila.[77] Pamphlets were published accusing Pedro of imposing physical violence on her during her pregnancy, while having an affair with Domitila. Pedro resolved to marry again, and asked his father-in-law (Emporer Francis of Austria) for help in securing a bride.[78]

Portuguese dynastic crisis

On the death of his father, João VI, on 10 March 1826 Pedro briefly inherited his title as King of Portugal as Pedro IV. He promulgated, from Rio de Janeiro, a new Portuguese liberal constitution in late April. This Constitution confirmed the exclusion of Pedro's Brazilian heir, the Prince Imperial, from the Portuguese succession, by establishing that the Portuguese crown would be inherited by Pedro's eldest daughter, Princess Maria da Glória. The language of the Constitutional Charter, in speaking of a "cession of right", already announced the abdication that was to come. On 28 May 1826, Pedro abdicated the Portuguese throne in favor of his seven year old daughter, who became Queen Maria II of Portugal. However there was a key condition, that, when she became of age (14 years), she would marry Pedro's brother Miguel. Pedro's sister, Infanta Isabel Maria of Portugal, became regent. Miguel accepted this solution and distanced himself from the absolutists, some of whom staged a rebellion, failed, and fled to Spain.

In 1827, Miguel attempted to put a claim on the regency over Isabel Maria, although nobody accepted the suggestion out of fear of the absolutists. On 22 February 1828, Miguel returned to Portugal, and four days later he took the oath to his brother and the charter and was installed as lieutenant-general. This loyalty did not last long. Miguel and his mother, Carlota Joaquina, immediately began to oust the liberals and demonstrations in favor of Pedro or the constitution were prohibited.

A group of exiled liberals landed at Porto from the British ship, the Belfast, and raised a rebellion. The rebellion failed and the senior liberals were forced to take refuge back on the Belfast, and leave again for England. Of all of Portuguese territory, only the Azores remained faithful to Pedro, partly because the garrison stayed loyal. On 11 July 1828, Miguel was proclaimed king. The United States, Spain, Russia and the Holy See recognized him as king.[79] Great Britain and France protested against the illegal suppression of the constitution. In August 1829, Miguel sent a squadron of 22 ships to the Azores, which were controlled by Pedro. After a day of battle, the liberals under the Count of Vila Flor emerged victorious, taking hundreds of prisoners.

Second marriage

Gossip about Pedro's infidelity and the circumstances of Leopoldina's death damaged his reputation and Brazilian diplomats searching for a second wife were met with a round of refusals.[80] Pedro and his officials discovered that the Austrian chancellor Klemens von Metternich actively worked to prevent any match as part of a policy to contain Pedro.[81] In August 1829, Pedro agreed a marriage contract with a traditionally anti- Metternich family: the House of Beauharnais.[82] On 17 October 1829, Pedro married his second wife, Princess Amélie of Leuchtenberg, in Rio de Janeiro. Amélie was the daughter of Eugène de Beauharnais, Duke of Leuchtenberg, and the granddaughter of the Empress Josephine.


Dispute with the Liberal Party

Domestically, Pedro was accused of mismanaging financial affairs. During his reign, debt rose, inflation grew, the exchange rate sank, and the bank issued ineffective paper money which drove gold and silver out of circulation. The cost of living rose in the cities. British tariffs also troubled the elite and middle class, who demanded imported consumer goods. The production of tobacco, leather, cocoa, cotton, and even coffee declined. With the Portuguese still in control of most of the retail market, anti-Portuguese feelings mounted. The cumulative result of military, domestic and economic setbacks prompted most of the urban elite, who had been absolutists, to side with the liberals. Even the army, discontented with Portuguese commanders and military defeats, distanced itself from the emperor.


In the aftermath of a political crisis that followed the dismissal of his ministers,[83] and amid a growing economic crisis, Pedro abdicated his throne in Brazil on 7 April 1831 in favor of his son Pedro II, who was only five at the time. José Bonifácio, who had returned from exile only months before, was appointed guardian of the new emperor and his siblings.[84] Pedro I assumed the title "Duke of Braganza",[85] and sailed for Europe. In Britain and France he began to organize a military expedition against his brother Miguel.[79]

Return to Europe

War of restoration

Sailing from the Azores with a fleet of 34 vessels, Pedro entered Porto on 9 July 1832 without a fight.[86] The Miguelist plan was to draw Pedro's forces into the interior, where they could be surrounded.[87] At the battle of Ponte Ferreira, the liberals fought off the Miguelists, and withdrew back into Porto.[88] In the subsequent weeks, the absolutists besieged the city. The siege of Porto lasted for a year; assaults by the Miguelists and attempted break-outs by the liberals were repulsed.[89] Pedro took a risk and in June 1833 sent an expedition by sea to the ill-defended Algarve.[90] This proved a war winning strategy as although the siege of Porto continued it became a secondary theatre of operations. Within a week, the Miguelist fleet was defeated at the battle of Cape Saint Vincent by the British admiral Charles Napier.[91] In July 1833, Pedro arrived in Lisbon. This gave the liberals both of Portugal's major cities, Lisbon and Porto, where they commanded a sizeable following among the middle classes. In contrast, the absolutists controlled the rural areas, where they were supported by the aristocracy, and by a peasantry that was galvanized by the Church. Marshal Saldanha eventually broke the siege of Porto in August 1833, but by the end of the month Lisbon was under siege. Miguelist attacks on 5 and 14 September were repulsed; the liberal lines held.[92] Saldanha broke the siege on 10 October 1833, and forced the Miguelists northeast toward Santarém. Maria da Glória was proclaimed Queen, with Dom Pedro as Regent. Pedro dismissed Miguelist ministers and clergy and appropriated church property. In early 1834, Saldanha defeated Miguelist forces at the battles of Pernes and Almoster.[93] Liberal forces were victorious at the battle of Asseiceira in May, and entered Santarém on 18 May 1834.[94]

On 22 April 1834 the Quadruple Alliance was drawn up. Portugal, Spain, Britain and France agreed to banish Dom Miguel from Portugal and Don Carlos from Spain. Spain committed to keep troops in Portugal until the end of the Portuguese Liberal Wars, Britain promised naval support for Dom Pedro and Isabella II of Spain, and Portugal agreed to supply an auxiliary force for operations against Don Carlos in Spain. By 27 May 1834, Miguel's officers were unwilling to risk a final battle after nearly two years of warfare, despite still having 18,000 men in the ranks. Miguel was induced to seek terms of capitulation and by the Convention of Évora-Monte renounced all claims to the throne of Portugal and agreed to go into exile.[95] Maria II's betrothal to Miguel was annulled, and she married her stepmother's brother, Auguste de Beauharnais, 2nd Duke of Leuchtenberg.


Pedro had finally put his daughter Maria da Gloria back on the throne but this would be his last act. He died of tuberculosis in Queluz, the palace of his birth, aged 35 at 2:30 p.m. on 24 September 1834.[96] In 1972, his remains were returned to Brazil and re-interred in the present Ipiranga Museum.

Titles and honors

Styles of
Pedro I, Emperor of Brazil
Reference style His Imperial Majesty
Spoken style Your Imperial Majesty
Alternative style Sire
Royal styles of
Pedro IV, King of Portugal
Reference style His Most Faithful Majesty
Spoken style Your Most Faithful Majesty
Alternative style Sire

Titles and styles

As Brazilian Emperor his full style and title were: "His Imperial Majesty Dom Pedro I, Constitutional Emperor and Perpetual Defender of Brazil".[98] After his abdication the style "His Imperial Majesty the Duke of Braganza" was used.[99]

As Portuguese King his full style and title were: "His Most Faithful Majesty Dom Pedro IV, King of Portugal and the Algarves, of either side of the sea in Africa, Lord of Guinea and of Conquest, Navigation and Commerce of Ethiopia, Arabia, Persia and India, etc."[100]


As heir to the Portuguese crown:[101]


Emperor Pedro I was Grand Master (Sovereign) of the following Brazilian Orders:

As King Pedro IV, he was Grand Master (Sovereign) of the following Portuguese Orders:

After having abdicated the Portuguese crown:

He was a recipient of the following foreign honors:




By his first wife, Maria Leopoldina, Archduchess of Austria (22 January 1797 – 11 December 1826):

  1. Maria II of Portugal (4 April 1819 – 15 November 1853)
  2. Miguel, Prince of Beira (26 April 1820, stillborn)
  3. João Carlos, Prince of Beira (6 March 1821 – 4 February 1822)
  4. Januária Maria, Princess Imperial of Brazil (11 March 1822 – 13 March 1901). Married Prince Louis, Count of Aquila, son of Francis I of the Two Sicilies, and had issue.
  5. Princess Paula of Brazil (17 February 1823 – 16 January 1833).
  6. Princess Francisca of Brazil (2 August 1824 – 27 March 1898). Married Prince François, Prince of Joinville, son of Louis Philippe I, and had issue.
  7. Pedro II of Brazil (2 December 1825 – 5 December 1891)

By his second wife, Amélie de Beauharnais, Duchess of Leuchtenberg (31 July 1812 – 26 January 1873):

  1. Princess Maria Amélia of Brazil (1 December 1831 – 4 February 1853).

His illegitimate children included three by his best known lover, Domitila, Marchioness of Santos:

  1. Isabel Maria de Alcântara Brasileiro, Duchess of Goiás (born 23 May 1824)[104][105]
  2. Pedro de Alcântara Brasileiro (born 7 December 1825)[106] He died in infancy.[105]
  3. Maria Isabel, Duchess of Ceará (born 13 August 1827)[107] She died of meningitis in October 1828.[108]

He had other illegitimate children, including a son Rodrigo (born in November 1823) with Domitila's sister Maria Bendita, baroness of Sorocaba,[109] and a son with Frenchwoman Clémence Saisset.[110] His lovers were reputed to include the wife of French naturalist Aimé Bonpland,[109][110] ballerina Noemí Valençay (also known as Noémi Thierry),[111][47] and the wife of General Jorge de Avilez, commander of the Rio garrison,[110][47] among many others.[110]

See also


  1. ^ Lustosa 2006, p. 36.
  2. ^ Calmon 1950, p. 14.
  3. ^ Sousa 1972a, pp. 10–11.
  4. ^ a b Macaulay 1986, p. 6.
  5. ^ Calmon 1975, p. 3.
  6. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Branco 1838, p. XXXVI.
  7. ^ Barman 1999, p. 424.
  8. ^ Calmon 1950, pp. 5, 9.
  9. ^ Sousa 1972a, p. 10.
  10. ^ Calmon 1950, p. 11.
  11. ^ Sousa 1972a, pp. 5, 9.
  12. ^ Calmon 1950, p. 12.
  13. ^ Sousa 1972a, pp. 4, 8, 10, 28.
  14. ^ Calmon 1950, pp. 12–13.
  15. ^ Macaulay 1986, p. 3.
  16. ^ Sousa 1972a, p. 9.
  17. ^ a b c d e Macaulay 1986, p. 7.
  18. ^ a b Sousa 1972a, p. 12.
  19. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 12–13.
  20. ^ Lustosa 2006, p. 43.
  21. ^ Sousa 1972a, pp. 34,47.
  22. ^ Sousa 1972a, pp. 39,41.
  23. ^ a b Macaulay 1986, p. 22.
  24. ^ Macaulay 1986, p. 29.
  25. ^ Sousa 1972a, pp. 125, 128.
  26. ^ Macaulay 1986, p. 189.
  27. ^ Macaulay 1986, p. 33.
  28. ^ Calmon 1950, p. 33.
  29. ^ a b c Macaulay 1986, p. 32.
  30. ^ Sousa 1972a, p. 116.
  31. ^ Costa 1995, pp. 99–101.
  32. ^ a b Lustosa 2006, p. 70.
  33. ^ a b c Costa 1995, p. 101.
  34. ^ Sousa 1972a, p. 121.
  35. ^ Sousa 1972b, p. 101.
  36. ^ Barman 1999, p. 17.
  37. ^ Costa 1995, p. 117.
  38. ^ a b c d Macaulay 1986, p. 46.
  39. ^ Lustosa 2006, p. 58.
  40. ^ Macaulay 1986, p. 36.
  41. ^ Macaulay 1986, p. 37.
  42. ^ Sousa 1972a, p. 252.
  43. ^ Macaulay 1986, p. 51.
  44. ^ Lustosa 2006, p. 71.
  45. ^ Sousa 1972a, p. 76.
  46. ^ Sousa 1972a, pp. 78–80.
  47. ^ a b c Macaulay 1986, p. 53.
  48. ^ Costa 1972, p. 42.
  49. ^ Calmon 1950, p. 44.
  50. ^ Sousa 1972a, p. 96.
  51. ^ Calmon 1950, p. 49.
  52. ^ Barman 1988, p. 64.
  53. ^ a b Barman 1988, p. 68.
  54. ^ Macaulay 1986, pp. 47–48.
  55. ^ Sousa 1972a, pp. 121-122.
  56. ^ Sousa 1972a, p. 123.
  57. ^ Macaulay 1986, p. 93.
  58. ^ Barman 1988, p. 70.
  59. ^ Sousa 1972a, pp. 158-164.
  60. ^ Calmon 1950, pp. 59-62.
  61. ^ a b c Barman 1988, p. 72.
  62. ^ Sousa 1972a, pp. 203-217.
  63. ^ Calmon 1950, pp. 66-67.
  64. ^ Sousa 1972a, p. 227.
  65. ^ Macaulay 1986, p. 86.
  66. ^ Costa 1972, p. 69.
  67. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 68–69.
  68. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 70–71.
  69. ^ Costa 1972, p. 71.
  70. ^ a b Barman 1988, p. 96.
  71. ^ Sousa 1972b, p. 31.
  72. ^ Macaulay 1986, p. 125.
  73. ^ Costa 1972, p. 99.
  74. ^ Costa 1972, p. 100.
  75. ^ Costa 1972, p. 89.
  76. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 123–124.
  77. ^ Costa 1972, p. 125.
  78. ^ Costa 1972, p. 135.
  79. ^ a b Costa 1972, p. 171.
  80. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 135–139.
  81. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 137–141.
  82. ^ Costa 1972, p. 142.
  83. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 163–166.
  84. ^ Costa 1972, p. 167.
  85. ^ Costa 1972, p. 168.
  86. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 177–180.
  87. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 180–181.
  88. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 182–184.
  89. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 187–191.
  90. ^ Costa 1972, p. 195.
  91. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 196–198.
  92. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 203–204.
  93. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 205–206.
  94. ^ Costa 1972, p. 206.
  95. ^ Costa 1972, p. 206–207.
  96. ^ Costa 1972, p. 211.
  97. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m Branco 1838, p. XXXVII.
  98. ^ Rodrigues 1863, p. 71.
  99. ^ Costa 1972, p. 209.
  100. ^ "Carta Constitucional de 1826" (PDF). Retrieved 2010-12-02. 
  101. ^ Branco 1838, p. XXIV.
  102. ^ a b c d e f Barman 1999, p. 11.
  103. ^ Branco 1838, pp. XXXVI–XXXVII.
  104. ^ Costa 1972, pp. 104, 107.
  105. ^ a b Macaulay 1986, p. 196.
  106. ^ Costa 1972, p. 104.
  107. ^ Costa 1972, p. 130.
  108. ^ Macaulay 1986, p. 228.
  109. ^ a b Macaulay 1986, p. 170.
  110. ^ a b c d Costa 1972, p. 68.
  111. ^ Costa 1972, p. 67.


Further reading

Pedro I of Brazil
Cadet branch of the House of Aviz
Born: 12 October 1798 Died: 24 September 1834
Regnal titles
New title
Acclaimed as Emperor of Brazil
Emperor of Brazil
12 October 1822 – 7 April 1831
Succeeded by
Pedro II
Preceded by
John VI
King of Portugal and the Algarves
10 March – 28 May 1826
Succeeded by
Maria II